[Previous Events]DPSP STREET_Ruslan Hrushchak Solo Exhibition

D Emptyspace
20 Jul 2021
Views 2775

The Road Beyond the Horizon

25. July - 25. August

The portrayal of the family is a subtle snapshot of Ukrainian society today.

Consider the country called Ukraine. It is so large, so diverse. So many roads and intersections. Creating this series, the photographer Ruslan Hrushchak explored many different paths.

Hrushchak now lives in Germany; he left Ukraine twenty years ago when he was still a young boy. However, his parents and many of his relatives still live in the Lviv region. The Road Beyond the Horizon is a series of photographs taken in 2016-2017. Family circumstances inspired the photographer to embark on a journey across Ukraine, focusing on many different places and people. In fact, people—that is, portraits—comprise the largest portion of the series. Ordinary Ukrainians of today—who are they? What worries them? War has been raging for the fifth year now; economic troubles undermine hope for quick and substantial changes; but now, as always, life still has room for joys big and small.

Organized by Dpsp Street

Sponsored by D Emptyspace

Curated by Keigo Nakamura

Online Exhibition

Explore the Exhibition

Ruslan Hrushchak


Ruslan Hrushchak is portraiture and fine art photographer. Born in Ukraine. Now he lives in Leipzig, Germany.

He studied photography at Ostkreuzschule Berlin (Germany), journalism (Lviv, Ukraine), and computer science (Leipzig, Germany). Ruslan focuses on regular people in paces and situations that highlight an aspect of who they are. Since last year Ruslan shifts the focus of his photographs to the abstract: he paints chemigrams, makes experiments with the analog technique, and creates collages. He uses a digital or a film Leica normally usually and a Fujifilm GFX for his studio work. Ruslan's first photography book about people in Ukraine "The Road Beyond the Horizon" published by Kominek Gallery is coming in the fall of 2021.


Finalist Royal Photographic Society: International Photography Exhibition IPE 161, 2018

First Prize winner, Life Framer edition IV – WORLD TRAVELERS, Judge Steve McCurry, 2017

Winning Photo, 3. Prize, Mark Of Excellence, Black-And-White Photo Competition i-shot-it, 2014

Two Honorable Mentions, Neutral Density Photography Awards, 2014

3. Platz Analoge Fotografie, Fotomarathon Dresden, 2014

1. Platz Leipziger Fotomarathon „Fotografie & Malerei: Farbenlos“, 2013


Group Exhibition SOCIAL AND DISTANCE, Monat der Fotografie-OFF in Berlin- 16.10.20 – 01.11.20. Auf Einladung des Kunst- und Projekthauses Torstraße 111, Berlin (Germany)

Solo Exhibition THE ROAD BEYOND THE HORIZIN. FOTOGRAFIE VON RUSLAN HRUSHCHAK. Universität Leipzig, Zahnmedizin. 18 Sep – 29 Nov 2019, Leipzig (Germany)

Group Exhibition VOM KOPF ZUM BILD UND ZURÜCK, Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie. Kunstquartier Bethanien. 8 — 17 Feb 2019, Berlin (Germany).

Group Exhibition HIP PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL 2019. 04 Oct – 27 Oct 2019, Hull (United Kingdom)

Group Exhibition INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION IPE 161. Royal Photographic Society, Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane. 05 Jul –04 Sep 2019, Dublin (Ireland)

Group Exhibition RPS IPE 161 EXHIBITION. Royal Albert Hall. 22 May – 23 Jun 2019, London (United Kingdom)

Group Exhibition ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY: INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION IPE 161. MAC Birmingham – Midlands Art Centre. 30 Mar Group exhibition– 12 May 2019, Birmingham (United Kingdom)

Group Exhibition RPS INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION 161. The Royal Photographic Society. 07 Feb – 24 Mar 2019, Bath Somerset (United Kingdom)

Group Exhibition „DIE UNWIDERLEGBARKEIT DER BEHAUPTUNG“, Europäischer Monat der Fotografie – OFF, Torstrasse 111 – Forum für zeitgenössische Kunst, 18 October – 4 November, Berlin (Germany)

Group Exhibition LIFE Framer Photography Prize 2018, ClampArt Gallery New York. 24-29 September 2018, New York (USA)

Solo Exhibition VERSTECKTE FRAUENBILDER. Fotografien von Ruslan Hrushchak, Gedichte von Olav Amende. Schaubühne Lindenfels Leipzig, 11 – 20 September 2018, Leipzig (Germany)

Group Exhibition LIFE Framer Photography Prize 2018, Officine Fotografiche Milan, 20 September – 12 October 2018, Milan (Italy)

Group Exhibition LIFE Framer Photography Prize 2018, Reminders Photography Stronghold Gallery Tokyo, 8 – 17 October 2018, Tokyo (Japan)

Group Exhibitions Rundgang der HGB. Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig). 2016, 2017, 2018, Leipzig (Germany)

Group Exhibition ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY.  ORMS School of Photography in Cape Town. 8-10 February 2018, Cape Town (South Africa)

Group Exhibition FASCINATING LIGHTING. Espaço Cultural Mercês. 11 -13 January 2018, Lisbon (Portugal)

Group Exhibition NIGHTLIFE. New Moment Gallery. 25 – 27 Mai 2018, Belgrade (Serbia)

Group Exhibition ENGENDERED.  PHOTO IS:RAEL (Israel Photography Festival) 2017. 22 November – 4 December 2017, Tel Aviv (Israel)

Group Exhibition TELLING A STORY. C.A.R. – contemporary art ruhr. 27- 29 October 2017, Essen (Germany)

Group Exhibition URBAN SCENERY. QLICK Gallery, Amsterdam. 9 – 16 December 2017 (Netherlands)

Solo Exhibition LEIPZIG – VISAGES D’UNE VILLE. Institut Heinrich Mann, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA). 1-11 March 2016, Pau (France)

Solo Exhibition REISEBILDER, 2014, Hauptgebäude DHL Hub Leipzig (Germany)



Selected Works


About Dpsp Street

Dpsp street is an Instagram street collective feed founded in Japan by Keigo Nakamura in January 2017. This group consists of eight members, including Patty Jansen from the Netherlands, Seda ÜNNÜ from Turkey, Gaelle Elbaz from France, Antoinette Pionnier from France, Bayéré Zouzoua from France, Linda Hacker from the United States, Iris Maria from Rumania, and Curator Keigo Nakamura from Tokyo City Japan.

Three members have retired when Our feed started, and as of July 2021, the above members are active.  Each of our members creates works that are full of originality, and each has a different taste for photography.  But that's what made us grow as our feed was able to collect multiple genres of street photography and showcase some of the world's finest work.



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